When I saw this coat in the Topshop section of Nordstrom's online, it looked like a possible Light Spring option - some browns but without too much heat, some yellows and creams and a bit of gray. Looks can be deceiving! My search for the perfect winter coat has been relentless! After finding a multitude of muddy camel coats, this looked like a welcome, interesting coat. Below, are some swatch-to-coat comparisons, "under the lights."
This coat was a bit "heavy" when compared to my Light Spring Coloring. The yellows tend toward Autumn golds, which is not so obvious from the picture. That effect was NOT overpowering, simply not uplifting. After draping a Light Spring today, however, I was reminded that upliftment is one of the primary benefits that a Light Spring can expect from her colors. I'm still searching for the perfect coat!